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letra de your fair looks - thomas campion


your faire lookes enflame my desire :
quench it againe with loue
stay, o striue not still to retire :
doe not in humane proue
if loue may perswade
loues pleasures, deere, denie not
heere is a silent grouie shade ;
o tarrie then, and flie not

haue i seaz’d my heauenly delight
in this vnhaunted groue ?
time shall now her furie requitе
with the reuengе of loue
then come, sweetest, come
my lips with kisses gracing ;
here let vs harbour all alone
die, die in sweete embracing

will you now so timely depart
and not returne againe ?
your sight lends such life to my hart
that to depart is paine
feare yeelds no delay
securenes helpeth pleasure :
then, till the time giues safer stay
o farewell, my liues treasure

letras aleatórias

