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letra de laura - lluis llach


author: llu¡s llach
(translation is not accurate, but… you get the meaning 😉 )
– if you read or like this, or want to comment something, please write me
i wanna hear from you!
laura laura
i avui que et puc fer una can‡¢ and today that i can do a song for you
recordo quan vas arribar i remember when you came
amb el misteri dels senzills, with mistery of the simples
els ulls inquiets, el cos altiu, uneasy eyes, proud body
i amb la rialla dels teus dits and with the laugh of your fingers
vares omplir els meus records you filled my memories
amb cada nota del teu nom, laura. with every note of your name, laura
m’‚s tan dif¡cil recordar it’s so hard for me to remember
quants escenaris han sent-t how many stages felt
la nostra angoixa per l’avui our affliction for today
la nostra joia pel dem…… our joy for tomorrow…
a casa, enmig de tants companys, at home, between so much friends
o a un trist exili mar enll…, or in a sad exile sea away
mai no ha mancat el teu alŠ, laura. we’ve always had your breath, laura
i si l’atzar et porta lluny, and if hazard takes your far
que les deus et guardin el cam¡, may the sources keep your way
que t’acompanyin els ocells, may the birds walk with you
que t’acaronin els estels, may the stars caress you
i en un rac¢ d’aquesta veu, and in a room of this voice
mentre la pugui fer sentir, while i could make it heard
hi haur… amagat sempre el teu so, laura
your sound will always be hidden, laura
– no notes this time

letras aleatórias

